Written By Robin Guess - June 28 2018
Let’s face it…women really do make the best caretakers, except when it comes to ourselves.
Our spouses, the kids, the dogs, our neighbors, their kids, their dogs, the groceries, the pediatrician, the lawn, the laundry, the cooking, the cleaning, the late nights when someone had a bad dream, the pick up’s, the drop off’s, little league, PTA, the pet groomer, the kids haircuts, Christmas shopping, Christmas dinner, Thanksgiving, Easter, packing everyone up for vacation, unpacking everyone from vacation, the laundry again, back to school shopping…ugh. I’m exhausted just writing this, and could continue for pages and pages more, right ladies???
It does feel good to be needed, and nurturing is somehow just built into our being. But when was the last time you did something just for you? I mean, really just for you. And I’m not talking about the occasional trip to the nail salon, or maybe even splurging for a massage or facial here or there. I’m talking about doing something that changes the way you feel about yourself.

There are many women’s groups out there that you could get involved with, but I want to tell you about mine because for me, it was totally life changing. My Tribe is focused around beauty (makes sense because that is my business), but it is not only about beauty on the outside, rather it is more about beauty on the inside. It’s about choosing to be happy by loving yourself and others. It’s about owning your truth, connecting with others, laughing, crying, and finding out that it’s okay to hide in the closet once in a while if you need to, just to escape. My Tribe is Money Talks and it began with a vision by Michelle Money.

It started off with an amazing online course taught by Michelle to learn hair and makeup techniques, but quickly evolved into a tribe of women who share their insights on life and love, and uplift and empower one another on their own personal journeys. In addition to regular Facebook LIVE content from Michelle, there are regular meetups and biannual retreats where she takes her online community even further through the power of in-person connection. Money Talks is a safe place for women to get vulnerable and real.
I communicate with many of these women more often than I ever thought I would, and they are always there to offer support when I need it. And the meet ups are the most amazing times I have ever had with a bunch of women who I proudly call “My Tribe”. It is nearly impossible for me to leave my family and my business for 3 or 4 days at a time, but it quickly became clear that it is necessary not only for myself, but for my family and business. According to my husband and children, I come back completely refreshed and renewed and quite frankly, a better person. I feel happier, healthier and ready to conquer the world after these retreats with this tribe of incredible women. And the beauty tips you learn along the way are suddenly just a perk of this group!

The course Michelle offers is amazing, and the private Facebook group is a place for you to ask all the questions you want either directly to Michelle, or to the entire tribe. I truly feel that finding your tribe is extremely necessary for those of us women whose plates are so full that we easily forget to take care of ourselves.
Luckily, Michelle is a fan of Beau Gâchis Cosmetics and has offered a discount for our clients who might want to learn more about her amazing course and incredible tribe she created. You can learn everything you need to know before signing up on her website (www.michellemoney.com), and if you decide to give it a try, just use promo code “BEAUGACHIS” to receive $10 off! The course is made up of 15 sessions that teach you to master your makeup look, grow your confidence as you learn to love yourself exactly the way you are, and connect with other like-minded women in pursuit of beauty on the inside and out. You’ll have lifetime access to the course content so that you can go at your own pace and have a refresher anytime you need it! Even though Michelle often uses our products in her videos, I took the course on my own and could not believe the impact she had on not only me, but all the other women who now are part of the Money Talks Tribe.
It's not about being selfish. It's about doing something that makes you a better you. And I am here to tell you that all of my Beautiful Messes are worth it! xo